Wednesday, December 13, 2006

An Age Old Question

We will always return to the age old question, what is right and what is wrong?

Perhaps, the world is truly black and white, and as an excuse to do the things we want, we lie to ourselves and others and say that there is a large area of gray. This gray area seems to be the fog in which we hide all our misdemeanors and negative aspects, the fog which turns our actions from something wrong, to something tolerable. The phrase goes that there are always two sides to the coin, or its black or white, and we don’t like it to be as simple as that, hence the creation of the gray area.

We pour over our heritage, in deep analytical study, and search for fact. We take the fact and apply it to where its components fit. The two sides of the coin theory can now be defenestrated, because it’s not a coin where the black and white are its only two sides. If so, we get lured into the gray fog, which we created in the absence of a direction other than the two given sides of said coin. No one ever likes either side of the coin, hence the gray area. Look at it, rather as a disco ball; where there are multiple sides all black and white and that it is our job to discern this black and this white. The main thing to keep in mind though is that there is a side for each occasion and that it is all black and all white, and the gray area is the place of fiction we use to excuse ourselves. The disco ball is quite large, for you can have a situation, the same for two people, but must be dealt with differently. But in the end, for each specific person, during each specific situation there is a right and a wrong, a black and a white.
We don’t like this. Hey, I don’t like it. But it is reality, our freedom of choice in every situation. It’s our job to stop lying to ourselves and really get down to the nitty gritty of whom we are inside. For one person, a particular course of action might seem wrong, to us, but is the right thing to do, for him. For another, what may seem to be the right course of action, to us, would in truth be detrimental for him. Only we really know what is going down in our hearts we must search for ourselves, the right path to take.

Direction of Battle

We are only human. We live and we die. But we walk proud on this earth. We stand tall and magnificent. We are true power, we are true greatness. And we stand in our big cities proud over what we’ve done, proud over the beauty we’ve created, seemingly from our own great reserves of pure raw human power. And as we revel in this magnificence, as we stand and marvel on the vastness of our universe and our complete and utter dominance, and continuance of our great feats, we walk blind. One just has to peel back the outermost layer of reality and the truth stares us back in the face, like a nasty scratch on the back of a brand new CD. So, here I stand pointing an accusing finger at the stubbornness of the human race, and at the insensitivity of the human race. And this anger burns deep inside me. I have no specific direction for my anger; it is an anger which is directed at every facet of the problems in our world. Some share this anger, but direct it towards only one objective, for example war, hunger, governments, crime, violence or a slew of other problems we've gotten ourselves into. But this is not the right direction to follow. I look towards all these as one problem bound together.

Let us imagine that war has been abolished, and we all live in a beautiful utopia, a world where peace reigns supreme. What a great world that would be, but what then, when we have rid the world of this atrocity called war what then? We are still human we still make our own laws and we will still break those laws. We will have lost one part of our being, though be it a bad piece of our being, it will still have to be replaced, and with what shall we replace it? I don’t think that it is possible to just abolish war. To abolish war alone would not be enough. We would have to abolish everything else too; we would have to abolish all that is evil in the hearts of men.

And so, in this direction does my anger burn, in the direction of all these things, not just limited to one direction. It even burns in the direction of those who wish to do good, but do so in such a frustratingly stupid and asinine way that more damage is done than what is being fixed.
Rules made by man, rules and ideas which we have carved into the very essence of the fabric of our existence, written or unwritten, rules which we break on a whim just to fit with the times. This is for what I burn. In the times of the Roman Empire, it wasn’t looked as morally wrong to have two men thrown into an arena and fight to the death as thousands sat and watched.
In the days of old, there were forms of worship which demanded the sacrifice of one’s firstborn son and was not looked at as an atrocity as appalling as we do now as we sit in our homes with our families. And what of today, when we ruthlessly plow through our world so we can stay on the level, using the excuse “it’s a dog eat dog world out there” as if this gives us permission to do what we do. And when across the world little children die of hunger while we complain that the gas prices keep going up, what can we say to that? And what can the oil companies say to the rape they commit, when it becomes impossible for a father to drive to work, so that he can support his family. And what about the governments seemingly pig like greed to be the policeman of the world. And then what about those of us who condemn the government when the government intervenes and does protect us from harm.

If we could all just stop and take a breather from this mad rush to win the race, we would see something good, something perfect, and something which its beauty stands so far above what we have ever known. There is beauty here, and we just walk on by, ignoring it. We take what small bits of beauty we were given, by musicians, authors, or any of the few good people we’ve ever had, and we stop, maybe, and look in wonder for a few moments, but then right back to the race. We pass by the beauty which is contained in the human soul, and instilled in the world around us. The ability to love, to give, to create good, lies within us, seemingly dormant. The darkest and most depressing song holds in it a beauty so fine and pure, but it’s up to us to unlock it. Some have, some have tried to make a difference and what have we done with it, how many untold millions have been killed in the name of a religion which its main theme is to love thy neighbor. We took our emotions, the very things which make us human, and cheapened it. We look love and sold it for a hundred bucks on forty second street. We took anger and sold tickets to watch it in action. We faked happiness and aired it for the entire world to see. We give only because we expect in return. We have killed ourselves inside; we are all just tombstones walking around pretending to live.
The problem is not what is actually going on out there, but what goes on inside of us. What if we fixed that first?

In 1100 AD, an unnamed Monk wrote, “When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world.”

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Search

I love and I feel,
Stronger, as the days go by,
Is it true is it me?
I hurt and I cry,

I ask and I pry,
But there is no-one,
I walk my path alone,
With my will undone,

I joke and I laugh,
Otherwise, I’d cry and moan,
Do you see me?
Do you see that I’m alone?

Are you me?
And me you?
Or are the lines we tread, parallel,
And never meet? tell me it's not true.


Interesting that the first five letters form a word on its own.

we are so much more

We want to have fun. We want to have it so much that it doesn’t matter any more what the fun is, we just want it. Imagine yourself at say, a kareoke bar. A mix of all kinds of people, sitting around and getting up in front of everyone else and singing a song. A very chilling atmosphere, where we are all having fun. And then an older gentleman gets up to sing a song. Someone perhaps in his mid forties, dressed normal, no strange appearance about him in any way. So what crosses our minds when we see this fine gentleman standing preparing for a rendition of, say, white rabbit, or maybe Leila, just to get the feel of the old times? Some punk might think “what’s an old fart doing up there”, or someone a little more open minded might think that this guy is trying to get a taste of how it used to be, even though he’s way past this type of thing, just let him have his fun and be on his way. Whatever one might think, it all boils down to one thing, he doesn’t belong. However you look at it, whether to mock him, or to sympathize with him, what crosses our minds? That he just doesn’t fit the scene.

This is not to mock this scene, these are my ideas which I’m addressing, the question being, why does this older gentleman, not fit in? What makes him different than us that we do fit in? What makes what we do okay and him wrong? What if we are also wrong and we shouldn’t fit in either? The reason why, I believe, this fine person is looked strangely upon, is because, he has moved on, he is established, he is bona-fide. It doesn’t become a man, who is leading the real life, the life of responsibility, the life of supporting a family. Perhaps in a way it would seem to be a sign of immaturity on his part to act in this fashion. And as for us, well, we’re still young, we’re trying to live life to the fullest, we have to chill and this is how we do it. The scene was created for us by us, it is our niche and we fit in. we have a “status quo” of chillage to complete, so let us get to it.

But, I have a question for us. What makes us different from this man, that we can allow ourselves to chill in this fashion? This also goes for all other things us youth do where an old guy would look weird doing. Why do we reserve the right to just hang loose, and he not? What if we created a farce for ourselves, one which makes us believe we can do what have you, whereas the old guy can’t?

We need to have fun, life is very hard and we need to calm down. And we do have a ton of pressure being forced on us. But I think that we got ourselves thinking in status quo mode, meaning that we think that we must have this pleasure in this way and in these amounts, because we need it. The real chillers in my book are the ones who flow with it. They only take when they really need it, and in amounts that really satisfy, not the overflowing amounts that we convince ourselves we need and in the end walk away drained from all the pain and effort needed to get the pleasure, and not really having got much out of the “chill” at all.

Look at the people around us at this bar. So much talent, so much sitting and waiting to be opened. At one table, strong minds, sitting, huddled and talking, but about some stupid TV show. And in another corner, the great speaker, who can use the English language to create art, maybe change people's lives with his power of words, but belittles his friend instead because it’s cool. Or on stage where her great voice sings a beautiful, heart wrenching song, for the guy who is talking with some other girl at the bar. This is not who we are, these people are not this, they are so much better than this. Look what our scene is causing us to do, to become. There could be nothing wrong with a karaoke bar; it’s just how we use them that might be the problem.

So what is the right thing to do, and what is pleasure that is really pleasurable?
What I wrote is something to think about, as is the question about right and pleasure. I still have to think about them. I was at a karaoke bar, and these are my thoughts about the experience I had there. Let us think. I think, therefore I am.


The boy sits,
Quietly in his chair,
Hoping the call doesn’t come,
Hoping he could drift away into the air,

But the call comes,
As the boy surely knew,
And he leaves to go,
To begin work anew,

Now the day is over,
And he returns to his chair,
But no more does he hope,
To drift lazily into the air,

He feels the pain in his muscles,
He wipes the sweat of his brow,
but he smiles, and he laughs,
For this man has finally learned how,

Tuesday, December 5, 2006


The world keeps turning, and the killer goes free.
The ancient question, the one that keeps us on the edge of our seats, or at least gives us some ammunition to fight with.
Good things happen to bad people, and bad things happen to good people, and supposedly it all gets sorted out later when the paperwork gets in.

So why? Why you ask me? Is it the query consisting of this single word “why” the main focus of our discussion?
There are many whys and there are many becauses. Well one because is that whole, who gets the better reward thing which we all have heard before, or perhaps this bad man, will now have to go through a small personal hell. I think I’ll call it “mini-hell”.

“Get something new for the holidays this year, now for a limited time only you can be the proud owner of your very own mini-hell, be the talk of the town, impress your friends, a great conversation starter, it’s that gift for the guy who has it all, mini-hell, limited time only for the holiday season”

Sorry, I got caught up in a little holiday cheer, any way in truth, maybe its just an easy way out, just to go down to the fires, sometimes its just harder to show your face in public, with your zipper down.

This is all not to give an answer to this specific question; just something on my mind is all, make of it what you will.

There are so many questions, so many problems to be dealt with, and everyone is out there trying to find the answer, or the reason to their problem, and we search and search and we are not satisfied.
How many people come home, hang up the jacket and proclaim “that’s it! I got it” and then sit back and have a nice gin and tonic.

Perhaps we are never satisfied, because, we really do know the answers, but we are afraid of it, or we don’t like it or what have you, it just doesn’t sit well with the tea and crumpets.

We know the truth, we know the answers, one who looks will find it, but will not always like it. In our instant coffee world we want it good now, but the cheesecake that’s good now, will make us fat later.

Some people searched and found and are satisfied with their answers, because they flow with their truth. Once you get the hang of the truth, it ain’t as bad as it sounds. but i speak for my self, i don't like the truth, it takes work to like the truth. that four letter word, work, I hate that word, but its true, aaargh.

(that publish button makes me feel so cool)

Sunday, December 3, 2006


i'm home now for a small operation, from learning abroad, nothing major, but i'll be able to work on this blog thing now that i have all this time, and get these burning thoughts out.

i dont profess the absolute truths to any thing i write here except of course if quoted from a reputable source, therby shifting the blame off onto someone else. these are my ideas so take them as you will. i welcome criticism and if i'm completely of my box, you can completely refute whatever i said that needs refutation.

a poem about why.

The mightiest of warriors have fallen before the smallest of insects.
When we die, for what shall it be for?
When we reach the gates of heaven, will they close the door?
The heart and the mind in unity, is what the wise man perfects.

We feel with our mind when it should be done only with our heart.
Was he wrong to die for glory?
Has he made of himself, a timeless story?
This is the classic question, which should have been answered from the start.

Before one begins to learn, one must learn why he should.
Did I not fight with honor and valor?
Did I not, in your eyes, find favor?
Seek not what men think is good, seek only what g-d said is good.



I finally got here. i finally made it. for a long time i had the idea to get all the crazy ideas in my head out there on the web. they've been bouncing around here way to long and i had enough. in truth, im afraid that alot of what is bouncing around are sad truths which even i have a problem digesting. but it burns me to keep in my head all these things when i see all the unanswered questions unfold around me, all the pain and confusion creating a chaotic void in which we try to live in today, successfully or unsuccessfully.
i'm not a doom sayer. i just look at things and try to get perspective. i would like to imagine that not all i have to to bring to the table is a rant at how bad we are, but also the good that we know we have rooted inside ourselves.
to start, i want to tell you all that every single human being on this planet is powerful and strong, and has in him/her abilities which are too numerous to expound upon at this moment.
let me restart. let me ask you, why is there an idea in this world of superheroes, you know, batman, superman, the x-men, and whatever else there is out there? there is obviously no truth to it, its just a form of entertainment, but i ask about the idea. and for those who dont roll with the comic world, how about the the fiction world of, say, james bond, or and action hero. and even for those who dont flow with all the fiction stuff, there is still the semi-worship of those better, than you or who live so to speak "better lives" than you.
this all takes us to the grass is greener idea. but the ideas themselves, where do they come from? from whence has the seed come forth and giveth life to these ideas?
i mainly talk about superheroes, because as the stories go, they have an inherent power, which surpasses the norm. why has this idea been born? well perhaps because we forgot who we are, we got used to who we are, we gave up in the face of the enormity of our burdens, "because what difference is there between me and my neighbor, we are normal, and that sucks".
well my friends, its time to remember, it time for us to wake up and realize that we have in us power which surpass the meek, low, comprably useless powers of any of the superheroes. well maybe except for batman who wored hard to get what he got, and perhaps there are others too but i haven't been into it for quite a while. the ideas are important though. the next time you read abou superman or watch a james bond flic, remember that you are higher than him, better, because he only is what we see in the movies or on paper, but we have no limits we can go so much farther than they can ever go.
i dont mean to knock the movies or anything, its sometimes a good way to relax, but the ideas are important, perspective is important.
any of you out there who dont feel as if life is the biz-nitch you thought it was, remember,
remember, not to ever forget.